

Objectives of the Association are:
  • The encouragement, co-ordination and administration of yachting
  • To foster and encourage water safety, boat design and yacht racing
  • To affiliate with any national body having similar or complementary objects
  • To acquire, control and develop such real and personal property including any limited rights or interest therein, as may be considered advisable for the provision or maintenance of yachting facilities in the Canterbury District and of anything reasonably incedental thereto
  • To borrow and raise money for any of the objects aforesaid and to secure the repayment thereof in such manner as may be deemed advisable including the mortgage or change of the whole or any part of the property of the Association
  • To make representations to Parliament or any Committee set up thereby or commission of enquiry or to any local body or authority on any matter relating to yachting or water safety and to operate with any of the aforesaid
  • To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objects
  • To consider and settle disputes between any members of the Association when requested by bot parties to do so
  • In construing the foregoing objects the construction of any clause shall not be construed or restricted by reference to any other clause


The Association shall consist of the following:

  1. Full members shall be those Clubs in the Canterbury District other than those defined in sub-clause (2) below who shall be financial members of Yachting NZ (hereinafter referred to as 'YNZ') which have signed an application for incorporation to the Association or who are later admitted to membership
  2. Clubs which are financial members of YNZ and are situated more than 32 kilometers in a direct line from Cathedral Square, Christchurch may elect to become Country Members
  3. Associate members shall be those owners' associations squadrons and other bodies who may be admitted to membership, where all senior members of such associations, squadrons or other bodies, are financial members of a Full or Country member of the Association as defined above.



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